14 februari 2011

George Hotz || Playstation 3 C-R-A-C-K-E-D!?


George Hotz, född 2 oktober 1989, är en amerikansk hackare. Känd för att ha knäckt Apples Iphone.

22 januari 2010 hävdade han att han knäckt spelkonsolen PS3.

Sony hävdar de ska stämma alla som delar ut koden på internet?
Well good luck with that one xD

Hotz accessed the so-called “metldr keys” and obtained root access to trick the PS3 into running software not approved by Sony. He published the code a week ago(the first week in January 2011), and was greeted Tuesday with a lawsuit from Sony, which has sold 41 million PS3 units since the console’s 2006 debut. The code allows the playing of pirated and home-brew software on the console, and has spread across the net like wildfire.

Koden är endast en Google sökning ifrån dig! =P
If it's already out on the internet, it's too late to stop it! Sanningens ord!

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