Dog i en bastu i Thailand p.g.a. medfött hjärtfel.. Väldigt speciell kille, han var en bodybuilder som inspirerat en hel generation till träning. Han var också personlig tränare, modell och part-time stripper.. Han har också sjukt rolig personlighet, absolut inga problem med att vara sig själv framför kameran. Många hatar honom just därför men jag tycker nog bara han är en "fucking awesome cunt"..
Han hade 60.000 likes på Facebook när han dog, nu ett år senare är han uppe i 360.000.
Han använder ofta följande meningar:
"U mirin bro?"
(mirin = admiring)
"U mad bro?"
"Come at me bro!"
"Shredded fucking cunt"
ZYZZ word to describe a hot female: "ripe". Added to jelly, u mirin, come at me bro, U mad, and fuuuuaaark.
Proper context: "Fuuuuaaark, that girl looks ripe, im mirin".
Today some religious jesus nerds came to my door wanting to tell me about the power of christ. I was in my underwear because it was hot and told them to look how striated my quads were. they looked weirded out but deep down i could tell they were mirin. I then did a lat spread and closed the door and ate some steak. so how was your day?
"The difference between a douchebag and a sick cunt. A douchebag is oblivious of their negative perception by the greater general public, yet still think they are awesome. A sick cunt, is well aware that people look at them and think "Is this fucking spastic for real?" yet still continue to play up on the image to create endless supply of LOLS. Remember, Nobody likes a tool, everybody loves a sick cunt."
"Train with passion, rage and heart."
"Ordered some shredded peking duck from a Chinese restaurant. the duck was neither peaking, nor shredded. fucker was definitely over 10% bodyfat. disappointing"
Judgement day is upon us. God will conduct a bodyfat caliper test to gauge eligibility into heaven...if you are over 10%, its over. good luck faggots.
"If you're a shredded fucking sick cunt, you can get away with anything"
Efter att Zyzz dog gjorde hans bror följande klipp.. Här kan ni verkligen se att han inte var som alla andra och han var inte rädd att visa det!
Här är ett urklipp av en intervju med "Zyzz" som gjordes av där han berättar varför han började träna..
"Throughout high school, I was always an extreme ectomorph. I could eat anything and not put on fat, muscle, or weight, or so I thought. I was always fascinated with bodybuilding but lacked the motivation to start training hard until after I was done with my final year of school and exams were completed – it was time for a lifestyle change. I was ridiculously thin, I’m talking the skinniest guy in my grade in school; people always commented on how skinny I was and I hated it. I was always known as the skinny kid. I remember feeling like a little bitch when I was out with girls, walking next to them and feeling the same size as them. After My HSC, it was holidays, and I started going clubbing every weekend and always noticed whenever a jacked dude walked by, they had a presence a lot greater than that of a ‘normal’ person. The guys respect them, and the girls are all over them, and really, who wouldn’t want that?"
Läs hela intervjun här, notera också hans kroppsförändring efter endast 4-5 år av hård träning. Helt fantastiskt vad träning kan åstadkomma med lite hjälp av preparat(det är inte möjligt att gå från skinny guy till 100kg fucking shredded 10%bodyfat på 4-5 år naturligt, det är till och med svårt trots doping!) Det tar förmodligen decennier att nå denna fysik ren, för somliga kanske den inte ens är möjlig att någonsin nå ren.. För övrigt har Zyzz perfekt kropp för en bodybuilder, muskelfästena på precis rätt plats, I'm mirin.